This is the 1990s version of Candy Land. In LarryBoy and the Fib from Outer Space, Larry and Alfred play Candy Land and Larry got stuck in the Molasses Swamp for 38 turns. This was when you had to wait for the color of the tile you were stuck on was drawn to get unstuck, before they changed it to you just simply losing your next turn.
Bob: Hi kids, welcome to VeggieTales. I'm Bob the Tomato.
Larry: And I'm Larry the Cucumber.
Bob: And we're here to answer your questions.
Larry: Hey Bob, you remember "The Prince of Egypt?"
Bob: Uh, yeah!?
Larry: Wasn't that a great movie?
Bob: Well sure, Larry, it was terrific!
Larry: You just gotta love animated movies, don't ya?
Bob: Well, you don't have to, I suppose, but I do enjoy a good animated movie every now and then.
Larry: Great!
(Larry pulls out a letter from behind him.)
Larry: Today's letter is from Wesley Thomas of Carlsbad, New Mexico. Wesley writes, "Dear Bob and Larry, can you do a VeggieTales version of 'The Prince of Egypt?' Your friend, Wesley."
Bob: Uh..Larry, that's a nice letter, but we answer letters for kids who are having moral and ethical dilemmas.
Larry: Ethal-who?
Bob: You know, kids who have questions about what's right and wrong, who wanna know what the right thing to do is.
Larry: Exactly! So to Wesley, I say, a Veggietales remake of "The Prince of Egypt" is the right thing to do!
Bob: But...but does the letter say anything about having problems listening to his parents, or...or losing interest in school?
Larry: No, but now that you mention it, I did get this one from Mr. Sammy Tidwell of Brentwood, Tennessee. (Larry pulls another letter from behind him.) "Dear Bob and Larry, don't miss this exciting opportunity to take advantage of our low interest rates."
Bob: Who's screening your mail?
Larry: I dunno.
Bob: Look, Larry, I'm sure a Veggietales version of "The Prince of Egypt" would be nice, but, uh...well...listen here. (Bob starts to read from the letter he is holding.) "Dear Bob and Larry, I fight with my brother a lot. In church this week, I learned that I'm supposed to be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, gentle, and self-controlled. I know God wants me to be all that to my brother, but I don't think I'm strong enough. What do I do? Your friend, Elise." You see, Larry, that's the kind of letter we answer on the show.
(After thinking it over for a second, Larry gets an idea.)
Larry: (gasps) Wait a minute, I've got the perfect story for Elise!
Bob: Y-uh-you do?
Larry: Yep. It's the story of "The Pickle of Egypt"!
Bob: "The Pickle of Egypt"?
Larry: Or as the humans called it, "The Prince of Egypt: Veggietales Edition". Either way, it's "The Prince of Egypt" with Veggies instead of humans. Roll film!
It teaches kids not to be selfish.
What Veggietales characters do you think could play the roles of the characters of The Prince of Egypt?
For me:
Larry — Moses
Tzipporah — Female Cucumber or Pickle
Miriam — Laura
Aaron — Archibald
Rameses — Mr. Nezzer
What would happen if Mr. Nezzer included lyrics about feeding the Bunny to your pets?