Dirk with Yellow Hair is a small green onion eyes and nose wears a blue sweater with white stripes, and dark blue pants has a shaggy yellow hair.
- Himself in "God Made You Special"
- Himself in "Sneeze If You Need To on "Abe And The Amazing Promise"
- Himself in "Silly Little Thing Called Love"
- Himself in "Happy Together"
- Himself in "Princess And The Popstar A Story Of Trading Places"
- Himself in "Little Ones Can Do Big Things Too"
- Barberbarian Kid in "Maclarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle"
- Himself in "Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas"
- Himself in "Celery Night Fever"
- Himself in "Beauty and the Beet"
- Himself in "Larry-Boy and the Non Gentle Giant Robot: A VeggieTales Movie"