Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space! is the eighth episode of the VeggieTales animated series. It was released in April 1997 on VHS and issued on DVD March 2003. This is the first installment featuring the Larry The Cucumber as Larry-Boy, the hero of the city of Bumblyburg. It is also the eighth episode to talk about telling the truth and is subtitled "A Lesson in Telling the Truth". In this story, Larry-Boy needs to confront a beastly Fib which has grown beyond control. Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space! was so successful it has spawned two sequels to date.
At the beginning of the film, Bob the Tomato and Larry The Cucumber meet at the counter top as usual, only this time, Larry got a email from a boy in New Jersey that has a problem that involves telling the truth or telling a lie. Immediately, Larry starts the story of "Larry-Boy and the Fib from Outer Space" leaving Bob speechless.
The episode begins immediately with the story, where Percy Pea and Li'l Pea are leaving a movie theater after watching a movie named "Invasion of the Cow Snatchers". They spot a meteor-like object entering Earth's atmosphere above the city. Meanwhile, Jimmy Gourd and Jerry Gourd, who used to work at Mr. Slushee. They have also spotted the same object on their lab computer monitor, activating the Larry-Signal to signal Larry-Boy to investigate the scene. Larry-Boy's butler, Alfred (Archibald Asparagus), tries to tell Larry-Boy of the signal before he accidentally knocks him over with one of his plunger ears. Larry-Boy, who has spotted the signal, races to Bumblyburg in his Larry-Mobile in search of this alien object in the sky. Unknown to him, the object has landed in Junior Asparagus' neighborhood and it turns out to be the Fibrillious Minimus.
The following morning, Junior and his friend, Laura Carrot, are having a tea party with Junior's teddy bear, Mr. Snuggly. Unfortunately, the bear didn't have a plate to eat off of, so Junior decided to use a rare and collectible "Art Bagotti Bowling Plate" that belongs to Dad Asparagus, which was located on the top shelf. Laura tries to talk him out of it, but Junior confirms that his dad won't mind and climbs the shelf and almost causes it to fall over, although it may seem like a close call, some of the books fall over and hit the "A-frame" that the plate was standing on. It fell face up onto the floor breaking it into chunks. Laura chickens out and leaves the scene of the crime.
When Junior feared he'd get in trouble with his dad, the Fib appeared. Junior initially mistook the Fib's voice for his teddy bear's. The Fib encouraged Junior to invent a story blaming someone else for breaking the plate. Junior was hesitant, but the Fib reassured him, calling it just a "little fib" and insisting that "a little fib couldn't hurt anybody." When his dad came home, Junior falsely blamed Laura, claiming she had used an "apple-chopper" on the plate. Dad Asparagus believed the story and immediately went to call Laura's father.
When the Fib emerged from behind the couch, where he had been hiding from Dad Asparagus, Junior noticed that the Fib had grown larger. The Fib ignored this observation and instead praised Junior's "story." Although Junior felt guilty about Laura getting into trouble, the Fib convinced him that his problems were over and he was in the clear. They then hurried off into the city, eager to find more "fun."

Larry Boy searches for Fib
Meanwhile, Larry-Boy continues his search for the Fib without much success, although he claims he saw a kid with green hair and a dog that can whistle. Alfred convinces Larry-Boy to keep searching and reminds him that the safety of Bumblyburg rests in his "plungers". Larry-Boy agrees and says "hi" to Junior and Fib, not realizing that the Fib is the alien he was supposed to look for.
After Larry-Boy left, Junior was approached by Percy. Percy asked Junior about the broken plate, as Laura had gotten in trouble for it. Laura had demanded she didn't break it, and Percy was trying to determine who was telling the truth. While the Fib hid nearby, Junior falsely blamed Lenny, Laura's brother, claiming Lenny had fed the plate to a crocodile because he hated Art Bigotti. Percy left, confused and unsure what to believe.
After Percy left, Junior saw that the Fib has doubled in size and has legs. Fib ignores the subject by flattering Junior about how great he did with his story.
As dusk is approching Larry-Boy has given up hope of finding the alien and announces to Alfred he is going home. Alfred tries to talk Larry-Boy out of giving up, but he shuts off the communicator on him making it clear that no space alien has ever landed in Bumblyburg. Unknownly, Larry-Boy had once again passed Junior and Fib, missing his chance of capturing the alien.
As for Junior and the Fib, the kids, Laura, Lenny, and Percy arrive in an angry mob form. Fib once again hides from the scene and Junior makes up another lie about space aliens switching brains with some cows and broke the plate, which, unfortunately, was based off of the movie Percy had watched with Li'l Pea before the film started. As Percy was yelling about Junior's lie, the Fib emerges from the ally as a 30 foot tall monster. He grabs Junior and sets off to destroy Bumblyburg. Officer Scooter shows up at the screen and reports that the city needs help from Larry-Boy just before Fib crushes his police car.

The Larry-Signal!
Meanwhile, Larry and Alfred are playing a game of Candy Land, with Larry's piece still stuck in the Molasses Swamp for 38 turns. Alfred is lucky when he can go all the way to Princess Lolly. As Larry-Boy hopes that the people of Bumblyburg is having a better day than he is, Larry spots that Larry-Signal flashing with smoke, sirens, and screams going on in the background. Larry puts the game on pause and announces to Alfred that he has work to do as Larry-Boy.
As Fib continues to march around the city, Junior asks why he is doing all these bad things to him. Fib responds that fibs always grow and since he is now big, Junior is under his power now. Just than Larry-Boy arrives and demands that Fib releases Junior. Fib dares Larry-Boy to try to force him to do so and Larry-Boy decides that is how it is going to be than. Realizing his mistake, Fib heads to the Bumblyburg Watertower to climb up. Larry-Boy describes the situation to Alfred, including the fact that that watertower is raised by concrete barricades. Alfred tells Larry-Boy that he had made some improvements to the Larry-Mobile that can help him get up to the watertower's height. The only problem is that Alfred hadn't gotten around to labling the buttons that activates these special feature, but he could tell Larry-Boy which button to push, if he could remember.
As the Fib starts his climb up the watertower, Larry-Boy starts the engine to the Larry-Mobile and Alfred tries to remember the right button to start plane mode, but hitting the wrong buttons only caused the Larry-Mobile's wipers and horn to go off. Only after Larry-Boy yells at Alfred that he is going to get killed and him demanding not to yell at him did Alfred remember that it was the yellow button that Larry-Boy needed to push. The Larry-Mobile sprouts wings and, barely missing the barricades, took off into the sky, much to the "awe" of Scooter and the Fib.
In the Larry-Plane, Larry-Boy learns that most of the modification were done within Alfred's spare time, along with other stuff. Alfred then tells Larry-Boy that the "monster" is called a "lie," which is sort of close to "Fib." Unfortunately he hasn't come up with a plan yet, much to Larry-Boy's disappointment.
A crowd had gathered around the watertower, including Junior's parents with Scooter. His Dad faints when he sees his son in the clasp of the Fib.
Meanwhile, Larry-Boy asks Alfred if he has any weapons to use against the Fib. Alfred admits he had alot of ideas but he hadn't any time to create them, probably because he was busy making "nuclear medicine". Larry-Boy then decides to jump out of the Larry-Plane and aim to hit the Fib's head. Unfortunately, the Fib spotted him falling and catches him and squeezed him so tightly in his fist that one of Larry-Boy's ears popped out and landed in front of Dad Asparagus, who faints again.
Realizing he is stuck, Larry-Boy asks Alfred through his belt communicator if his computer had final figure out how to stop "the lie". Alfred had made this shocking discovery that there was nothing Larry-Boy could do to stop it.

As Larry-Boy was fuming with frustration, Fib tells Junior that small lies grow really fast and when they are big, they can swallow their victims and rubs the fact that Junior made a big lie which reveals that Fib has schemes on eating him. As Fib is laughing diabolically, Alfred tells Larry-Boy that even though there is nothing for him to do, someone else can "stop the lie," but first his computer has to show him who. But Larry-Boy, who was going to be the first meal for the Fib, starts rushing Alfred. The suspense accidentally caused Alfred to unplug his computer when his chair was pulled back and he had to plug it back in and start all over.

"Goodbye, Bumblyburg!"
As Larry-Boy bid a dramatic farewell to Bumblyburg, preparing to be eaten by the Fib, Alfred's computer revealed that Junior was the one who could stop the lie. Alfred relayed this information to Larry-Boy, who, with his head trapped in the Fib's mouth, could only reach Junior. Realizing what he had to do, Junior publicly confessed that he was the one who broke the plate. This caused the Fib to spit out Larry-Boy and shrink a little. Junior then admitted to lying about his friends breaking the plate, even though he was the culprit. The Fib shrank to nothing, and Junior landed near Larry-Boy, who used his remaining plunger to help Junior down from the water tower.

On the floor, Junior apologized to his dad, admitting he was scared of how furious his dad would be. Dad Asparagus reassured him, saying that Junior meant more to him than any plate. Since Junior had already faced a terrifying test with the Fib, his dad decided to forgo punishment this time, but with the condition that Junior would always tell the truth from now on. Scooter was about to congratulate Larry-Boy, but Larry-Boy had mysteriously disappeared. He was later seen overlooking the city, the Larry-Signal shining in the sky. Later that night, a small, red fib landed in the neighborhood. It then bounced away, disappearing into the darkness.
Back at the countertop, Larry had changed into his Larry-Boy outfit and when the song started again, Bob went to stop it but Larry-Boy grabbed him with his plunger and tells him he likes the song and didn't let him go until the song was over. After discussing the story, the computer, Qwerty, displays the famous Bible quote in John 8:32 "The truth will set you free." Afterwards, Larry-Boy starts his theme song, despite Bob's objections.
- As the story begins, Percy Pea and his little brother leave the theater where they have just seen "Invasion of the Cow Snatchers." The Peach, and the Grape family can also be seen walking away from the theater.
- The movie they watched, "Invasion of the Cow Snatchers" was a reference to the 1956 movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."
- Jimmy and Jerry Gourd have an entertaining role as the scientists who first see the alien falling to Earth. Jerry is obviously a science fiction buff, as he is wearing a pair of Spock ears from Star Trek.
- An exhausted Larry-Boy drives the Larry-mobile through Bumblyburg, talking with Alfred (Archibald Asparagus). As Larry-Boy tells Alfred about seeing a kid with green hair and a dog that could whistle, watch the sidewalk just behind the Larry-mobile. You'll see such characters as the Peach, the scallions, Frankencelery, and Larry's blue plastic lobster from "Are You My Neighbor?".
- Scooter, Bumblyburg's police officer, is listening to the radio in his police car just before it is smashed by the giant Fib. The song playing is "I Can Be Your Friend," which was sung in "Are You My Neighbor?", in which Scooter first appeared.
- Many characters from past videos appear at the base of the Bumblyburg water tower, looking upwards at the giant Fib which holds Junior Asparagus in his clutches. Look for Jimmy and Jerry Gourd, the Grape Family, the Scallions, the Peach, Mr. Nezzer, Scooter, Mom and Dad Asparagus, Percy's Dad, Percy, and Frankencelery.
- As "Larry-Boy's Music Video" concludes, Larry says "Dino-mite!". The phrase is the trademark of J.J. from the show "Good Times," a situation comedy from the 1970s.
- The part when the Fib climbs up a water tower is an homage to King Kong.
- The names of all the streets in Bumblyburg are the names of members of Big Idea Productions, the makers of VeggieTales. For example, Nawrocki Ave and Vischer St. The signs are visible in the opening sequence with two peas.
- Candy Land's rule of getting stuck are different in the 90's, where you had to draw the same color as the space you're stuck on to get out rather than just losing a turn. This explains why Larry got stuck on the Molasses Swamp for 38 turns (a reference to the Take 38 trailer).
Junior: I DID IT!!
Crowd: (gasps)
Fib: Hmm?
Junior: I broke the plate! (The Fib, feeling loopy, spits out Larry-Boy, who has fortunately not been hurt) I said Laura broke the plate and that was a lie! I said Lenny broke the plate and that was a lie too! (As he tells the truth, the Fib shrinks forcing him to use both hands to hold Junior begging him not to do it) It was me. I'm the one who did it. It was all my fault.
(The Fib gives a disgruntled look, knowing his fate is sealed, and he finally kicks the bucket by vanishing from existence and Junior is free. He lands next to LarryBoy as the crowd smiles in relief.)