Little Nate is a small pea boy. He first appears in "God Made You Special" as one of the interviewed kids. He appeared again as a little boy named Andy in "Minnesota Cuke And The Search For Noah's Umbrella." He then made another appearance as a poor boy called Little Nate, but then had an Aulstralian accent.
Little Nate is a small green pea beady eyes and nose He has long brown hair and three freckles on each cheek. he had a small sombraro on his head.
- Himself in "God Made You Special"
- Andy in "Minnesota Cuke And The Search For Noah's Umbrella"
- Himself in "Silly Little Thing Called Love"
- Himself in "Happy Together"
- Himself in "Princess And The Popstar A Story Of Trading Places"
- Himself and Bethlingham Citizen in "Robin Good And His Not So Merry Men"
- Himself in "Little Ones Can Do Big Things Too"
- Himself in "The League Of Incredible Vegetables"
- Himself in "Celery Night Fever"
- Himself in "Banks of the Scottish Ruined Castle"
- Himself in "King of the Quest"