The Blues with Larry is the silly song from the VeggieTales episode Duke and the Great Pie War. It is sung by Larry and Blind Lemon Lincoln.
Narrator: And now it's time for The Blues with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings the blues.
Larry: (Spoken) Hey, everybody! I'm gonna lay down some blues.
(Sung) All sunshine and roses, no rain came my way.
I said, all sunshine and roses, no rain came my way. Mm-mm.
My dad bought me ice cream, oh, happy, happy, happy, happy day! Mm hm.
I ate up that ice cream, got some on my face. That's right, right on my face.
I said, I ate up that ice cream, got some on my face.
Got some on the table, oh happy, sticky, happy, sticky, happy, happy, sticky, happy place.
Blind Lemon Lincoln: (Spoken) Hey man, whatcho doin'?
Larry: (Spoken) I'm singin' the blues!
Blind Lemon Lincoln: Aw, man, the blues is for singin' when you feel sad.
Larry: But I don't feel sad.
Blind Lemon Lincoln: Man, then you got no business singin' the blues. Here, lemme help you out. Take this (hands Larry ice cream).
Larry: Cool! Ice cream! Thanks!
Blind Lemon Lincoln: Now gimmie back that ice cream. (eats ice cream)
Larry: (Sung) You took my ice cream.
You took it from me.
You took my ice cream.
You took it away from me.
Blind Lemon Lincoln: (Spoken) Oh yeah! Now you're gettin' it. Now listen up. (harmonica solo)
Larry: (Sung) But I'm still not sad.
I'll just have a ... cookie!
Blind Lemon Lincoln: (Spoken) No, no, no, man! You almost had it. C'mon, like this.
(Sung) You took away my ice cream!
You took it away from me.
My sweet creamy ice cream,
I don't care 'bout no cookie. Whoo!
Sean Abel and Yatzin Marban: (Laughs)
(The trombone sound up and down who smashes cookie with guitar)
(Spoken) Now try it again.
Larry: (Sung) My cookies and ice cream: they both gone away.
Blind Lemon Lincoln: (Spoken) That's right. Mm hm. Feel it.
Larry: (Sung) My cookies and ice cream: they both gone away.
Blind Lemon Lincoln:(Spoken) Aw, sweet man, sweet.
Larry: (Sung) But that don't bother me none!
I got me my freshly baked... strudel!
Blind Lemon Lincoln: (Spoken) Wha? Strudel? Man, you can't say strudel in the blues! That don't even rhyme.
Larry: (Spoken) Well, what about... poodle! 'Cause I got a poodle.
Poodle: Arf!
Blind Lemon Lincoln: Oh, no. Don't tell me you're gonna eat that poodle.
Larry: No, I'm just gonna pet him! Pettin' poodles makes me happy.
Poodle: Arf arf!
Blind Lemon Lincoln: Sorry, man. You way too happy to sing the blues, I Quit. (Exits)
Narrator: Lincoln was very tired, Here Comes the Polka Guy!
Polka Guy: 'Allo! Would you like to polka?
Larry: Sure!
(Sung) Don't got no ice cream, no cookies, no strudel.
Don't got no ice cream, no cookies, no strudel.
But I'm yodel-a-dee, yodel-a-dee yodel-a-dee happy-hoo!
Just here with my poodle.
Poodle: Arf!
Larry: That's right! Oh yeah!
I'm yodel-a-dee, yodel-a-dee, yodel-a-dee happy-hoo!
Just me and my poodle.
Poodle: Arf arf!
Narrator: This has been The Blues with Larry, tune in next time to- oh, never mind. Larry's not likely to be singing the blues again any time soon.