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VeggieTales The Water Buffalo Song (ORIGINAL RARE 1993)

VeggieTales: The Water Buffalo Song (ORIGINAL/RARE 1993)

The Water Buffalo Song is a song featured in the Silly Songs with Larry segment of the 1993 episode Where's God When I'm S-Scared? It was the first Silly Song.

Wearing an oversized cowboy hat, Larry comes out and sings that "everybody's got a water buffalo," until Archibald Asparagus brings the song to an abrupt end and critiques Larry over the falseness of his lyrics. Larry then starts singing that "everybody's got a baby kangaroo," which makes Archibald so exasperated he charges at Larry and knocks him off the screen.



Narrator: And now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. So without further ado, Silly Songs with Larry.

Water Buffalo Song

(Larry comes in wearing an oversized cowboy hat)

Larry: The Water Buffalo Song!

(music begins)

Larry: Everybody got a water buffalo.

Yours was fast, but mine was slow.

Oh where'd we get them, I don't know,

but everybody got a water buffalo-oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I took my buffalo to the store. (saloon door comes in)

Got his head stuck in the door. (puts head in saloon door)

Spilled some lima beans on the floor.

Oh, everybody got a...

(Archibald comes in)

Archibald: Stop it! Stop! Stop right this instant! What do you think you're doing!?! You can't say everyone got a water buffalo when everyone does NOT have a water buffalo! We're going to get nasty letters saying, "Where's my water buffalo?" "Why don't I have a water buffalo?" And are you prepared to deal with that? I don't think so! Just stop being so silly!

(Archibald leaves)

Narrator: This has been Silly Songs with Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry say:

(Larry pops in)

Larry: Everybody got a baby kangaroo.

Yours was pink, but mine was blue.

His was small but...

(Archibald rushes in)

